Thankful for 2020?

I completely realize that this year, for lack of a better word, has been a dumpster fire on a ton of fronts.

People have died. People have been sick. Lost jobs. Lost businesses. People are struggling in everyway imaginable. Our country feels more divided than ever. On top of all that, the future seems more unpredictable and unknown than ever before.

I understand why people are burnt out, exhausted, depressed, disappointed, and ready to put 2020 behind them. Part of me is too.

That being said, I have to say, 2020 was a banner year for my family.

My business took and continues to take a huge hit. Our way of life has been uprooted. We miss our families and friends that we haven’t seen in months. My husband’s nice 9-5 work day has turned into around the clock, constantly on call work life.


But…we got our Hazel. I had a healthy and for the most part, easy delivery. My baby is healthy and happy. She’s a dang unicorn of a baby. The happiest baby you’ve ever known, she’s the blessing our family needed. I could never say I regret this year when it gave me one of the biggest gifts I’ve ever received!

My husband works from home! With the unknowns of how Delovely Details would survive through this pandemic, I am so grateful for Drew’s job and that it actually grew and he was able to work from home while we transitioned to a family of four. My recovery after labor was so much easier with him home. It’s been a big blessing and I’m so grateful for the opportunity.

While Delovely Details struggled in the beginning, lots of refunds and brides cancelling orders, we were able to pivot. We started working with new planners and new types of clients that we’ve never worked with before. It’s been amazing to see the collaboration in my industry and the comradery we have to lift us all up together. Don’t get me wrong, I miss weddings! However, I am so grateful and thankful for the way we’ve been able to pivot and keep the business going.

Despite schools being closed across the country, I’m immensely grateful for the fact that our school district has been able to put safety measures in place to safely open our schools. Evelyn has been able to attend preschool safely and we’ve seen her grow in such ways that I know that wouldn’t have been able to happen if it was just me.

Lastly, I’m grateful for our health. We have had some family affected, some tragically, by this pandemic. We know how serious this pandemic is and we do our very best to take all the precautions we can for ourselves, for our family, our friends, and our fellow humans. We feel strongly that, while this is a hard time for everyone, this is an opportunity for humans in general, to show how compassionate, kind, and self sacrificing we can be. My little family, Drew and our girls, are healthy. My girls are strong and growing to be kind people. My husband is also healthy, generous with his time and gifts, and loving. I’m healthy, I feel supported and strong in my convictions. I feel loved and I am optimistic.

With everything going on, I wonder if this isn’t supposed to be a huge reminder to us of what we really need to be thankful for day in and day out. Not just one day a year. Not just a thought drifting for an Instagram post. This all might be a reminder of how we should be living every single day.

I am so blessed.

I am so grateful.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Matching outfits for Evelyn and I are from Morning Lavender.

Photography by my sweet friend Hanh Nguyen Photography.